Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 10, 2008 21 Day Creative Exercise Day 13

Here is last night's swimmer sketch colorized. The verb topic is "Swimming". I'm not happy with it. It seems very boring to me. Blah.


crystal driedger said...

What if you added a shark or something else under him? Or maybe a seagull is circling?... ha ha.
I like the idea of your challenge: Using verbs is a great concept.

Alicia Padrón said...

I like it Ryan!! Why boring? Maybe if you changed the colors and not use a muted palette you could get another effect. Try it, because I think is a great character.

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

drawing a cross section with a person swimming is really really hard. Glad to see you took the challenge to do it! I want to see a shark too, heehee.

Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

I like it too! But I know how it is, we are our own worst critics. I know I certainly am. I love your theme of verbs, and you capture them well!

Paola De Gaudio said...

Wow ryan! you have been workin really hard! all the sketches show a great study of the actions. Amazing!
About this piece I agree with Alicia, the character is cool, maybe saturating colors a little bit.
I really want to thank you for the good advise you gave me. You are right. I should give him a background on left side, there's a tension point over there. Maybe it could have worked too if had been still more croped to the left, now it is in an indefinite place. Thanks for making me think about it.

Mônica said...

I like the character too, I thing you did a good job capturing the action of swimming, his head up from the water catching some air. I agree, maybe changing the colors a bit, and making the part under water a bit blurry? But overall I think it's really cool...

Paola Zakimi said...

Hi all, i like it very much, the things with the colors happen to me too, the solution for me was change the color under the water, i agree with these girls, your work is good!

Alicia Padrón said...

Ryyyaaannnnn... areee yooouuu oookkkk??
:o) Just checking up on ya!

Lisa M Griffin said...

The swimmer works... maybe you think it is blah because of the surroundings? You could add some items under the water... like he is unaware of what is happening just beneath the surface since he is too busy swimming along???
Thanks for sharing.

RyanLoghry said...

Thank you for you comments everyone. I'm in the process of reworking this one, using bits of everyone's advice. I wanted to finish it last night, but I got sooooo sleeeepy... 8 )