Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Sunday Sermon Series: Prayer

Hello folks. Here again we have a drawing I did while listening to a sermon at church. The topic was prayer, and here Jesus gives us instructions on how to pray. You can listen to the sermon that I heard here, I recommend it.

First Jesus tells them (after one of his disciples asks Jesus the question how should we pray?) to remember God's position, he's our Father. Praise Him, revere Him.

Then Jesus reminds us to talk with God. Tell Him what is going on, what you are thankful for, what you need, what those around you are going through. Ask for guidance. You have a relationship with your creator, to have a relatioship you have to communicate.

If a friend or family member comes to you and asks a favor you would help. If we the fallen and broken people can do this then how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?

Finally, this point really struck me(verse 13): in this passage Jesus (the Son) is telling us how God (the Father) sends the Holy Spirit to us. As a limited capacity human I may never fully understand the Trinity, but the Bible spells it out, it is something worthy to spend my time dwelling on.

For more on prayer I have to send you to my friend Dennis Fuqua. He knows more about prayer than anyone I know. You should check him out here.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope this post encouraged, or challenged you. May God richly bless you.

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