Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sunday Sermon Series Ephesians 2

Hello everyone. Today I have an illustration from a sermon I heard on Ephesians 2:1-10. To listen to this sermon click here.

It is very easy for me to see the sins of "others" and over look my own. Jesus said something about seeing a speck in your brother's eye, but missing the log in your own. Hmmmm... So often I think of sin as an isolated action such as telling a lie, or making a selfish decision to put myself before the person in front of me. But here scripture tells me(verses 1-4) that sin is not just an action, it is a condition of my heart. Dead in sin, my condition is critical. Try as I might I cannot escape that on my own power. No amount of good deeds can balance out the weight of my sins.

Only God can save us through Christ. BUT GOD... had a plan to save us: GRACE. He sent Jesus to live among us, to die on the cross, to pay the price for our sins so that we might be reconciled to God the Father, able to be with God in Heaven for all eternity.

Jesus, Christianity, Cartoon Jesus, Ephesians 2
Then the result of salvation is good works. To live as Christ, love one another. The good deeds I do, the unselfish actions, the merciful and compassionate actions are a result of and reflection of Christ in my life. They are not an attempt to earn my salvation since my salvation comes entirely from my faith in Christ as my savior. All to Him I owe.

Grace is the cause, the means is faith, and the result is good works. Keep it simple.

I hope that you have enjoyed my synopsis of the sermon, and my illustration. Please go and listen to the sermon by Pastor Ryan there is good truth revealed in this scripture. I hope that you are challenged or encouraged by my post. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, if I don't have the answer I'll ask my pastor and get back to you. May God richly bless you my friends, until next time.--Ryan