Merry Christmas everyone! This year's Christmas animation follows a church choir (albeit a small one at this point) as they journey around a very snowy city sharing their love for Jesus by singing "Joy to the World". In each scene we see Jesus ministering to someone's needs, a homeless veteran, a lonely woman, a sick child. My idea for this animated short was to create what you see here this year, and then spend the next few months embellishing it and repost it next year.
My goal is to add more and more animated characters and objects to fill the scenes. People and animal characters walking through the scenes, more cars and trucks, and definitely more kid characters in the choir singing, and nervous kids frozen with stage fright are just a few of the things I hope to add. I lost some of my production time this year, so there isn't a whole lot animated in this the original version. I guess that just leaves me even more room for improvement. Watch and enjoy!
Be sure and check back in the coming months, I'll post snippets of my progress of adding "more". But you'll have to wait until next Christmas to see the whole animation fully completed. As always thank you for stopping by. God bless you, and have a great day.