My buddy Matt and I went on a long drive up in the woods last weekend. We took the road from Chelatchie Prairie over to the Wind River, going up and over Old Man Pass in the process. It's some of the most beautiful country in the world, in my opinion. Matt is a good guy to have along on such a trip, as he is aces with a camera, and knows every kind of tree there is, and points them out as you go along. He's like a walking talking PBS special.

We saw these twin fawns, and their mother on the way up the pass. They didn't mind us at all, and let us get about 10 feet from them before getting skittish.

Here I am standing by the Jeep.

Here's a waterfall we found. I believe that's Puny Creek, but I'm not 100% sure.
We both had a great time, it was a nice escape from our busy lives back home.